* FAQs and Contact Information

Why did you call the site The Jersey Girl?
There are a couple of reasons for this.  First, the Jersey girls (and guys) I know are well-rounded, intelligent, cultured people and the site is meant to show those sides of New Jersey – you know, the sides that the media tends to leave out!

Second, I am a Jersey Girl, born and raised.  Whenever I’ve spent time outside of the state, I’ve found myself adamantly defending New Jersey.  I was in Italy when I actually registered the site…I had been promoting New Jersey so much over there, it just fit perfectly!

How can I contact you?
Email is the best way to reach me:  melissa.morris11 (at) gmail.com.  Or, leave a comment on the blog (remember comments are public).

Can you notify me when you post new material?
Absolutely!  In the top, right corner of this site you will see a place where it says
“email subscription” and you can leave your email address.  Once you do, you’ll get an email confirming that you want to subscribe and then each time there is a new post, it will go right to your email.

You can also get updates from  twitter and facebook.

If you have any other questions, please post them below or email me.

~Melissa 🙂
The Jersey Girl

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  1. Pingback: Please stay tuned… « The Jersey Girl

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